Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Game Scene Week 2

Currently our group is in the modeling phase where we just focus on modeling for the first few weeks. We have also agreed to texture our own models in Substance Painter and made sure that we are not putting that much of a workload on each other.

The barrel was the first object that I modeled. I had a easy time modeling this barrel since all I need to do was modify a cylinder using the hard edge tool and bring out the lines.

The box was a bit tricky to model at first because I had to delete so many edges in order to get the borders of the box correctly. Thankfully it didn't take that much time to figure out what was the problem thanks to the others that were helping me along the way.

Modeling the tire was also a pain at first but eventually it was pretty easy to figure out thanks to a quick tutorial that I was watching and also a fellow group member of mine helped me out.

The UVing process was pretty simple to do so far except that I did run into a problem UVing the tire. Thankfully my fellow group member of mine also helped me UV the tire the correct way for me.

This is a shot of what our block out of our Navajo Bridge scene will look like. We plan on adding more stuff to the bridge later on through the weeks but as of now this is what we plan to do.

Here is another angle of our Bridge Scene on what the perspective of the player is going to look like. 

We might plan on adding zip lines to the Navajo Bridge so players could get from one side to the other very easily. We have also not decided what are point of interest is yet but we do plan on discussing it again later this week.

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