Modular Sci-Fi Hallway

For this assignment we had to create a modular set meant to be used to create a Sci-Fi Hallway. I had to create three unique walls, two unique floors, turns, ceilings, trims, and five unique floaters. Right after I had finished making the unique modular set I had to import it into Substance Painter and bake the high poly floaters on my low poly models. 

 Here are the references I used to model my pieces

Also I had to be sure that I had my ID models set to import into Substance Painter to make it easier to target specific areas that I want to texture. Right when I finish completely texturing my modular set I then export the textures and the low poly models and import them into Unity where I do the final touches of presenting my Sci-Fi Hallway. This includes adding sound to the scene with background music and adding post processing effects  to make it look fantastic. 

This is how my modular set was set up in Maya. It was always good to keep my outliner organized since it does help me locate a specific part I want to fix/export.

This is how my modular set looks like when it is colored and ready to be exported into Substance Painter for the ID texture maps.

A problem that I had while doing this project was definitely time management. Since substance painter does not work on my computer I often need to go to the labs after class time to work on it. However by learning the class schedule for each labs I managed to find time to finish up my textures in Substance Painter. 

Another problem that I had was accidentally working on different Unities at a time.  Since I did all my Unity work in my personal laptop when I came to the labs to record all my post processing effects, particles, and mesh colliders have disappeared from my scene. I have fixed this issue by putting my mesh colliders back into my scene but was not able to get the particles or the post processing to work.

What I have learned from this project is the amount of work that goes into making these modular sets and how it could be reusable to make a whole entire level. It took me a good amount of time to make the low poly models, floaters, and ID models in Maya but because of that I had a easy time texturing in Substance painter. Working in Unity made me realize how important it is to scale your models and relocating the pivot points since it gave me a easy time moving them around. 

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