Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Blacksmith Micro Scene 3

For this week I plan on completing my UVS as well as to get started on texturing my models in Substance Painter. So far what you are about to see are all the models that I have UV'ed so far this week.

The anvil was fairly simple to UV but I may need to go back and fix it once again if it does not work out on Substance Painter.

I do plan on fixing the UV for my barrel for as you could see I have cut the UV's in the wrong way. Thankfully a fellow friend of mine pointed out the mistake that I have made.

The UV for my furnace went completely smoothly believe it or not. However once again when I got home and opened up my project in Maya the UV for the other side of the furnace has been corrupted. I managed to fix it in class and hopefully it will not get corrupted once again.

As for the pot I believe the UV process went extremely well. I have made the cuts in the UV where it was necessary and all the pieces turned out to be fine.

It took quite a while to UV the sword stand but this was also a fairly simple model to UV. It just takes time and patience to make sure that the UV is showing up as intended.

This is just to show that I have finally fixed the UV on my sword which for the same reason as the furnace got corrupted on my laptop.

Finally, I have brought my own model that I have made for another class and plan on re texturing it to fit the theme of my scene.

Game Scene Week 4

For this week I have tasked myself to create a car model for our game scene. Since we are working on the Navajo Bridge in Far Cry New Dawn, the cars are going to be the main focus into making the Navajo bridge once a transportation for vehicles.

This is the reference picture that I have used to make my car. I believe it is a Volkswagen made from 2003 and that is all that I know about this car. I used this picture to create my car by using the quad tool and traced the outline of it. 

I have run into a bunch of problems with this car for example I used to have too many unnecessary edge loops on it. I still need to reduce that amount  since it still has too many tris than I intended. I also need to add little details to the car like the small indents that it has. I plan on finishing this model this week and may also have plans on finishing the textures for it by this week or the next.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Blacksmith Micro Scene 2

Currently I have finished the block out for my micro blacksmith scene. I decided to mostly use the models that my instructor has provided with a few models that I found on Turbo Squid. If I ever do finish my scene earlier than expected then I plan to add in a few more model to my scene.

The four models that I have found on Turbo Squid are the table, pot, shield, and the sword. The furnace, barrel, anvil, stool, and the hammer are taken from the instructor and the sword stand is something that I decided to model myself.

I have finished setting up the UV's for the hammer and the stool. I have also finished setting up the UV's for the shield and the sword but when I went back to check on them the next day the UV for the shield was gone and the UV for the sword was scrambled all over the place. It is a minor set back but thankfully it is easy to UV the sword and shield again.

This is the UV map for the hammer which was pretty simple to accomplish. I separated the handle of the hammer from the base UV wise to make it easier to texture into Substance Painter. 

This is the UV map for the stool that has been finished but may be in need of some tweaking to get some good detail on my textures.

I plan on UVing the rest of my models and I plan to move on to my texture phase next week. Overall I had a easy time UVing these models but I do expect to run into problems once I run into more complex models that needs to be UV'ed in a certain way. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Game Scene Week 3

For this week I have been mostly working in Substance painter texturing my models. The box model was difficult trying to to import because of the extra faces on my box and the cut UVs that was making the shadows on my box broken. Eventually I was helped by Connor as he showed my the mistakes I missed on my box model.

The tires were also giving me some trouble when it came to texturing but it was eventually fixed once I had fixed the UV once again. The bumps on the wheel were not showing up properly so I had to enlarge the UVS back in Maya to get the correct detail on them.

The barrel was simple to do when it comes to texturing but once again I had trouble with the UVs because the textures on my barrel would appear blurry.

I fixed this problem by sharing it with my tire texture map which brings out the quality I needed to make the barrel less blurry and more sharp.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Blacksmith Workshop

When it comes to the lighting and the art style I really love how this scene looks. This is a inspiration to make my scene also convey the same feel but with the blacksmith workshop.

This is just a idea on how I imagine my blacksmith workshop is going to look like. I plan to make the scene more warm, brighter, and filled with more weapons

Game Scene Week 2

Currently our group is in the modeling phase where we just focus on modeling for the first few weeks. We have also agreed to texture our own models in Substance Painter and made sure that we are not putting that much of a workload on each other.

The barrel was the first object that I modeled. I had a easy time modeling this barrel since all I need to do was modify a cylinder using the hard edge tool and bring out the lines.

The box was a bit tricky to model at first because I had to delete so many edges in order to get the borders of the box correctly. Thankfully it didn't take that much time to figure out what was the problem thanks to the others that were helping me along the way.

Modeling the tire was also a pain at first but eventually it was pretty easy to figure out thanks to a quick tutorial that I was watching and also a fellow group member of mine helped me out.

The UVing process was pretty simple to do so far except that I did run into a problem UVing the tire. Thankfully my fellow group member of mine also helped me UV the tire the correct way for me.

This is a shot of what our block out of our Navajo Bridge scene will look like. We plan on adding more stuff to the bridge later on through the weeks but as of now this is what we plan to do.

Here is another angle of our Bridge Scene on what the perspective of the player is going to look like. 

We might plan on adding zip lines to the Navajo Bridge so players could get from one side to the other very easily. We have also not decided what are point of interest is yet but we do plan on discussing it again later this week.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Game Scene Week 1/2

For this project our group has decided to go with Far Cry: New Dawn and decided to focus on the Navajo Bridge for the game scene. We have agreed that the scene will be simple to do and leave more room for creativity on how we are going to approach it in the future. Here are some screenshots on how the Navajo Bridge looks in game.

We have planned out a asset list on what we plan to include in the game scene. The following assets we plan to include are:

Bridge x2
Shipping Container x4
Car x7
Guard Post x1
Bus x2
Barrel x3
Road Block x2
Wooden Box x3
Tire x4
Metal Stairway x2
Tarp x2
Wooden Structures x2

We currently do not have any plans for the sound effects and the particles at the moment but when it comes to terrain we plan to add water under the bridge and liven it up with some blue and pink colors. We believe that this will make the bridge more interesting to see than just dull grey colors.

Since we have been quiet with each other over the weekend there are still some tasks that need to be established like the color pallet, what work are going to be assigned to each other, and what models may need to be cut for this project. 

When it comes to blocking out the scene this is what we have so far. We plan to at least finish up blocking up the scene this week and also start assigning tasks in preparation for the next week. It is a bumpy start but here is to hoping that it gets better from here.