Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Village Blog #6

For this week I have mainly started on fixing up the UVs for my houses since I have been told that they could be further improved and look a bit more clean. For now this has made a small delay in my plans to organize the UVs and start painting on them which is why I plan to at least finish the clean up process for this week. 

So far the process to clean up my UVs have been pretty smooth so far and I definitely see a improvement in them compared to my previous ones. 

It got a bit tricky trying to find a way to remove the line that you see on the door but sadly it is going to be necessary to reduce the amount of lines needed on the top left window. 

Here is another example of how clean the UVs are on this wall compared to the last screenshot that I took in my previous blog posts. This will help in guaranteeing a good frame rate in Unity. 

 After finishing up cleaning the UVs for this little building I realized too late that I accidentally deleted some walls that I meant to hide on the left side of the house. Thankfully I still had a export of the model that I saved on my USB drive which thankfully saved me the hassle of rebuilding the walls again. 

I still had to do some minor adjustments to it but in this screenshot I wanted to show the problems that I had with this exported model when I tried to extrude the faces. It was easily fixed by deleting the face and creating a new one but I have been told for next time to export it as a OBJ instead of a FBX to avoid this issue. 

After making the minor adjustments once again I then made sure to clean up the edges. Most of the edges that were reduced were mostly from the door frame. 

Most of the edges that I have deleted and cleaned up were unnecessary on the model. I was under the assumption that I may have needed them to ensure good detail when put into Substance Painter but I was assured that it wasn't the case. 

After the big clean up process for the third house I decided to create a door for it before I moved on to cleaning the second and first house as a change of pace. For the rest of this week my sole focus is going to be cleaning up the UVs for the second and first house so I could move on to modeling little details on them and eventually reach the texturing phase. 

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