Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Game Environment Update #4

I have started on texturing the bottom half of the tower in which I consider to be the hardest parts since it requires me to put fake doors and windows at the base of it. Sadly I am behind because of technical issues during break so I plan to finish up the texturing this week as soon as I can. So far I have no issues when it comes to texturing.


My only main issue is questions that I should have asked when I was in class. There was times where I would get stuck on how to texture certain parts in the UV. Eventually I did figure it out but I would have progressed much farther if I simply just asked those questions.

What me and my group plan to do for the following week is to put our buildings into Unity and customize the environment in Unity as well. We might possibly finish it this week so we could start asking for improvements on our scene on Monday.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

GameEnvironment Update #3

I have finished the UV's that I needed to do for my building. It was a bit difficult at first because for the primitives that were shaped like pyramids it was hard to get all side to be UV'ed. The hardest part was to try to fit all of the UV's into two boxes.

I was not used to that since I regular work in different sections of the UV's but in the end I had managed to do it. I sticked the columns together since they were going to be the same texture anyways.

What I plan to do for the next week is to finish up texturing the building and basically finish the project. After doing some of the texturing in class I have come to realise how difficult it can be to texture in doors and a window. You have to find the right angle and make sure that the texture lines up properly with your building.