Monday, September 18, 2017

Table and Chair

Table and Chair 

For this project we have learned the importance of using measurements to create your objects as detailed as possible. It is important to realize that the more detailed your objects are, the more believable your object could be in architecture. The use of lighting was also covered in this project which gives us a better idea on how to approach a scene with good lighting. To accomplish this goal we modeled a chair and a table.

When it came to calculating the measurements of my chair I definitely had a hard time pinpointing my measurements where it was suppose to be and locking them. I eventually got the points that I needed to go into the right place when I was persistent enough to get them there. Another difficulty that I had was rearranging the size for the two small legs for my chair. I eventually figured it out by lowering the height of the leg, then move it to it's proper coordinates again and freezing it.

Monday, September 11, 2017



For this project, we had to create a pencil by using UV Editor, Photoshop, primitives, etc. This was definitely a big step from just using simple shapes to manipulating them and creating the textures. the point of this project is to make the pencil as realistic as possible and to teach us the difficulties that one has to endure in order to achieve it. 

I had a lot of trouble when it came to finally putting the textures on the triangle. Sometimes the texture won't register so in order to fix this I just went to my last save and hope that the texture works. I managed to get through all the textures by using this process but sadly I was unable to fix the texture for the eraser and some of the metal base of the pencil. For the last part which is imputing your name on the pencil, I also had trouble trying to get my name to show. What I did is go down to my UV editor and click the checkered box and click it again. This may have been a glitch in Maya but right after that my name suddenly just popped out.